How Receivables Factoring and Invoice Financing Can Take the Stress Out of Running a Business

It’s no secret that running a business has its numerous stresses and ups and downs.  Managing your staff, staying on top of bills and repairs and everything else that a typical small to medium sized business owner has to do every day is typically a big challenge, and one that many business owners don’t know how to handle.  When you depend on your invoices being paid in order to pay your suppliers and take care of the business and you find yourself slipping further and further behind each month, receivables factoring may be the right solution for you.  Instead of feeling stressed out, you can focus on growing the business and making positive changes to how you manage your finances.

Hassle-free business financing

When you need money for your business yet aren’t able to get a loan from the bank or you simply don’t want to deal with the hassle that is typically involved with traditional types of small business financing, invoice factoring is an easy alternative that can be incredibly beneficial to a variety of businesses.  With invoice factoring, a factoring company buys your outstanding accounts receivables at a discount, and then collects the money from your clients directly.  It’s in the best interest of the factoring company to treat your clients well because it gives them a better chance of getting their payment and because they want to encourage businesses like yours to use them again.  It’s a win-win for both parties, and for many business owners, it’s a service that they continue to utilize all the time in order to avoid spending time and money trying to collect on invoices every month.

Sell invoices at a discount

When it comes to effectively balancing the financial needs of your business with your invoice income, the cost of selling invoices at a discount is often well worth the stress of trying to manage your own accounts receivable department.  Handing off this service to a third party is a cost effective alternative to waiting months for invoices to be paid and you don’t have to worry about collections.  For business owners who want to reduce their stress and their daily hassles, invoice factoring is a smart solution.

Bob Alexander

Bob Alexander is President of Alexander Financial Solutions, LLC. He is an expert in obtaining Financing and Working Capital for Business Owners. AFS provides all Asset and Cash Flow Lending. Bob has global experience and proven Leadership skills in Risk Mitigation, Balance Sheet Management , Process Improvements, People Development, Infrastructure Builds and maximizing profitability.
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